Monday, November 4, 2013


"He lives without privacy in a lidless room." - Sylvia Plath

I think the most compelling restriction I've placed on myself is lack of privacy. When considering things I took for granted it was towards the top of the list - something that's just understood as a right in our society, yet something that we like to think we have control over.

Aside from the obvious last restriction entitled "Privacy", the aspect of privacy is unintentionally everywhere in this project: the photos and videos offer insight into my life that I didn't necessarily choose to share. 

I'm intrigued by the idea of "audience" for banal occurrences. For this project, my exposure threshold was exceeded. Why would anyone care to watch me eat? Sleep? Put on makeup? Take off my clothes and get in a river? (Well that last one is quite unusual, actually). 

I think I became interested in the idea of privacy when I started thinking of it in terms of alienation and control - something I take way or restrict. I hope this comes across in my videos and photos. It was my choice to live without privacy in my own lidless room. 

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