Notes on A Natural History of the Senses
- the powerful social component associated with eating
- foods eaten symbolically:
- Catholic communion
- rice as the inspirational center of lives
- Jewish horseradish dish to symbolize tears of ancestors
- the intimacy of taste
- the meaning of taste as "trial" or "test"; food as thrill-seeking
- food and sex, food as pleasurable
- the delicacies of other cultures:
- Italians eat deep-fried songbirds
- Aztecs eat roasted dog
- "diversity is our delight" and the privilege of an array of foods
- the history and taboo of cannibalism pages 136-138
- New Guinea cannibalism/sex ritual
- "the tongue is like a kingdom divided into principalities according to sensory talent."
- salt, sour, sweet, bitter, others?
- negative effects on taste buds
- toothpaste breaks down phospholipids on taste buds, causing orange juice to taste bitter
- heredity of taste; mood and diet in relation to taste
- the relation of smell and taste
- " England during the eighteenth century... the idea arose that torturing an animal made its meat healthier and better tasting"
- eating the goose while it's still alive :( :( :( :( page 147
- cravings and emotional balance
- carbohydrates for Seasonal Affective Disorder
- sweets as rewards
- drifting from "real" taste and preferring artificiality
- discussion of specific tastes
- chocolate, vanilla, truffles, ginger
- taste makes the horror of killing to live palatable
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