Monday, November 4, 2013

Joseph Beuys - Multiples

This is another book I checked out from the library on an artist whose work I found directly inspirational to my project.

The format of the "catalogue raisonne" (comprehensive list of artworks and their images) was something I had hoped to emulate in my book. I might be interested in adding a short description of each object? I am pretty interested in these in general even though I sometimes find them confusing and incomprehensive because I always find myself wanting to know more than what is provided.

Beuys talked about objects in terms of multiples and his reasoning behind creations.
I found this quote particularly relevant:

"But if the concept of art becomes anthropological it is totalized and really does refer to human creativity, to human work and not simply the work of artists. Why anyway should the term art refer to the work of painters and sculptors? That is simply a restriction that never existed before."

This fits perfectly with my overarching questions "what is art?" and "why is this considered art?" which I'm hoping to explore more thoroughly in the future.

(this is not from Multiples but it is an experiment with a coyote in a room which I think is cool and reminds me of an animal behavior class I took once)

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