Monday, December 16, 2013

Relational Aesthetics

Relational Aesthetics by Nicolas Bourriaud was really helpful in explaining interactivity in art. I was having a hard time defining this project since to me it doesn't really fit into the ideal "sculpture". This book gives a lot of examples of these sculpture/installation/performance- based works that rely so heavily on the relation between audience and artwork that it takes precedence over the piece itself.

I was interested in the availability of the work as well as what takes place between art and audience. The fact that this isn't readily available but requires social activity and planning is difficult for me- and requires a great deal of documentation in the moment.

This book mentions big exchanges within daily gestures which I think encompasses my dinner party project pretty well. Differing principles are the attraction in the otherwise common setting.

Specific artists were mentioned briefly in passing but required outside research.

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